Short Stories Archives - The Flossie Diaries Mon, 27 Mar 2023 00:35:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Short Stories Archives - The Flossie Diaries 32 32 Flossie Meets Tilly Fri, 03 Mar 2023 21:10:00 +0000 Flossie was a beautiful golden retriever with soft, fluffy fur and big, soulful eyes. She lived with her owner, Mom, in a cozy house at the edge of a sprawling forest. Flossie loved to run and play in the woods, chasing squirrels and rabbits and splashing in the nearby creek. One day, while Flossie was […]

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Flossie was a beautiful golden retriever with soft, fluffy fur and big, soulful eyes. She lived with her owner, Mom, in a cozy house at the edge of a sprawling forest. Flossie loved to run and play in the woods, chasing squirrels and rabbits and splashing in the nearby creek.

One day, while Flossie was out on her usual romp through the woods, she spotted something she had never seen before. It was a tiny, delicate creature with iridescent wings and a mischievous grin. It was a woodland fairy named Tilly.

“Hello there,” Flossie said, wagging her tail excitedly. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m just passing through,” Tilly said, fluttering her wings. “And I couldn’t help but notice what a beautiful dog you are.”

Flossie beamed with pride. She loved when people complimented her looks.

“So, what’s it like being a fairy?” Flossie asked, eager to learn more about her new friend.

Tilly giggled. “Oh, it’s quite wonderful. I get to fly around and play tricks on humans and animals alike.”

Flossie’s ears perked up. “Tricks? What kind of tricks?”

“Oh, all sorts of fun ones,” Tilly said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Like making flowers bloom out of nowhere, or causing a sudden gust of wind that blows hats off people’s heads.”

Flossie was intrigued. She had never heard of such things before.

“But you have to be careful,” Tilly warned. “Fairies don’t like to be tricked themselves.”

Flossie tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well, if you ever try to trick a fairy, you’ll regret it,” Tilly said, her tone suddenly serious. “Fairies have a way of getting back at those who wrong them. So be careful, my dear Flossie.”

Flossie nodded, her tail drooping slightly. She didn’t like the idea of upsetting her new friend.

As the sun began to set and the woods grew darker, Tilly said her goodbyes to Flossie and fluttered off into the night.

Flossie returned home, her head full of wonder and excitement. She couldn’t wait to tell Sarah about her encounter with the magical fairy.

The next day, Flossie returned to the woods, eager to see if she would run into Tilly again. And sure enough, there she was, flitting about in a nearby tree.

“Hello, Tilly!” Flossie barked, bounding over to her new friend.

But as Flossie got closer, Tilly suddenly disappeared, leaving Flossie confused and alone.

Flossie looked around, trying to figure out where Tilly had gone. And that’s when she saw it – a little pile of fairy dust on the ground.

Flossie’s heart sank. Had she upset Tilly by asking too many questions? Had she accidentally tricked her without realizing it?

Flossie felt terrible. She had never meant to hurt Tilly’s feelings. All she had wanted was to learn more about the magical fairy world.

From that day on, Flossie remembered Tilly’s warning about the importance of treating fairies with respect. She knew now that they were powerful and magical creatures who deserved to be treated with care and kindness.

Flossie always looks back on her encounter with the mischievous woodland fairy as a lesson learned – that sometimes, even the most innocent of actions can have unexpected consequences.

You can Follow Flossie on TikTok!

The post Flossie Meets Tilly appeared first on The Flossie Diaries.
