about US

Flossie & Her Family

Welcome to our little corner of the internet! I’m Robin and my trusty sidekick is Flossie, the golden retriever with a heart of gold and a tail that never stops wagging. We began our journey in Buffalo, NY, where Flossie was born and quickly stole our hearts. But when the pandemic hit, we decided take a leap of faith and pack up our bones. We made the bold decision to move to Northern Ontario. And let me tell you, it’s been quite the adventure! From exploring the rugged Canadian wilderness to finding new dog-friendly spots in our new hometown, we’ve been having a blast.

Our Family: Flossie’s dad is Mike and her big fur sister is Marley. Mike is the ultimate fetch partner (especially when it comes to socks) and Marley is the master of grumpy-old-lady. Together, we make up a quirky and adventurous crew.

Whether we’re hiking through the wilderness or snuggling up for a movie night, there’s never a dull moment with this pack. And of course, Flossie always steals the show with her goofy personality and love for belly rubs.

So come join our pack as we navigate life with our furry companions. We promise lots of tail wags, silly moments, and plenty of dog hair on your clothes. Let’s make some memories together!

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