Dog Play: 10 Fun Games to Play with Your Dog

Dogs are not only our best friends but they also make the best playmates. Whether you have a lazy couch potato or an energetic furry friend, there are many dog activities and games you can enjoy together. So, let’s discover 10 fun games to play with your dog that will keep you both entertained and strengthen your bond.

dog play


Fetch is always a classic dog game that never gets old. All you need is a ball or stick that your dog loves to retrieve. Throwing it and watching your dog run after it is always a joy to watch. This dog activity not only helps burn off energy but also keeps them mentally stimulated.

Tug of War:

Tug of war is a great game for high-energy breeds. Use a rope or a toy that your dog can safely tug on. It’s a fun way to bond with your dog and improves their strength and dental health.

Simon Says:

This is a game that is fun for both dogs and humans. Give commands like “Simon says, jump” or “Simon says, spin”. Reward your furry friend with treats for every correct action, and watch them learn new tricks.

Hide and Seek:

Hide and seek is a great game that helps develop your dog’s smelling skills. Squirrel away the treats, and then help your dog find them. You’ll love seeing their excitement as they sniff out their treats.


Frisbees are like baseballs for dogs. It’s a great game that helps improve their catching and jumping skills. Simply throw the Frisbee, and watch your dog jump high in the air to catch it.

Find the Treat:

Hide your dog’s favorite treat in a place they know how to get to, but make it more challenging for them to reach. They’ll love the thrill of the chase, and you’ll love seeing their excitement when they finally get their treat.

Obstacle Course Dog Play:

Similar to Frisbee, obstacle courses help improve your dog’s jumping and running skills. Set up a course with cones, hurdles, and tunnels, and watch your dog have a blast. It’s best to start with easy obstacles and work your way up as your dog improves.

Water Fun:

If you have a pool or access to a lake, swimming can be great fun for your dog. Start slowly, and make sure your furry friend is comfortable in the water before playing with them. It’s a great way to cool off in the summer and improve their stamina.

Bubble Time:

Believe it or not, dogs can have fun with bubbles too! Children’s bubbles are safe for dogs and can provide hours of entertainment. Blow bubbles, and watch your dog excitedly jump and try to catch them.

Treat Puzzle:

There are many treat puzzles on the market designed to keep your dog’s brain active. Hide treats in the puzzles, and let your dog figure out how to get the treat. It’s a fun and challenging way to keep your dog’s mind sharp.

Dog play is not only fun but also important for their physical and mental well-being. These ten dog activities are a great way to bond with your furry friend while improving their skills. So, gather up your furry companion and let the games begin!