Talking Buttons: Teach Your Dog to Communicate with Fluent Pet

With the use of “talking buttons“, we could teach our furry friends to literally talk with us using Fluent Pet. Dogs are commonly referred to as a man’s or woman’s best friend but how do they communicate with us? They bark, wag their tails, and simply look at us with their adorable eyes. However, what if we could teach them to communicate with us using more complex means? Sounds impossible right? Well, it’s not….read on.

What are Talking Buttons?

Talking buttons are a device designed to assist communication between pets and pet owners. It is a small and portable button that can be programmed with a single word, phrase or sound. This unique design enables pets to communicate through pressing the customized button, that plays a recorded voice message. In a matter of weeks, dogs can associate words with certain actions and eventually learn to communicate their wants and needs.

Teaching Your Dog to Talk

When it comes to training your dog to use the Fluent Pet talking buttons, the process is quite simple. Firstly, you need to teach your dog how to associate pressing the button to an action. To do this, place a treat next to the button and encourage your dog to press the button using their paw or nose. Once they press the button, say the associated word or phrase out loud, followed by a treat. With consistent repetition, your dog will learn to associate the sound with the action. With practice, your dog will be able to communicate with you in no time.

Benefits of Using Talking Buttons

Teaching your dog to use talking buttons has multiple benefits for both you and your dog. For starters, it builds a stronger relationship between you and your dog by enabling them to communicate more effectively. This, in turn, enhances the overall understanding and bond between pet and owner. Additionally, talking buttons open doors for dogs with disabilities or social difficulties, giving them equal opportunities in their interactions with their surroundings.

Final Thoughts

Dogs are incredibly intelligent and allowing them to communicate with us using talking buttons is a fun and exciting way to strengthen your relationship with your furry friend. By incorporating Fluent Pet into your training routine, you are opening doors for communication that goes beyond dog barks and tail wagging. So don’t hesitate to give it a try. Either with Fluent Pet, or some of the other buttons available on Amazon.

The choice to go with Fluent Pet was based on the sound quality of the buttons. Other buttons were not as clear and crisp sounding.

Flossie and mum have been using it for about a year. If you are consistent, your pet will start talking to you.